Tornado Damage


A Windstorm Loss caused by a Tornado can be extremely devastating at any Level EF1-EF3, as Winds are concentrated and quickly exceed Structural Damage Capacity, even at the Lowest Levels, F-0, they can represent CATAGORY 1 or 2 Hurricane Intensities, (See Fujita Tornado Damage Scale Below), in direct correlation results in both level of impact and devastation.

Tornado’s represent a significant Peril facing U.S. “States”, some states are more prone to activity in the Central Plains know commonly as Tornado Alley, however with that said Tornados continue to spawn throughout the Country, and have been recorded in every State and County, at some time or another, with varying degrees of intensity, per the Scale. Primarily, they are caused by specific Weather Variations, whereas we have extreme Temperature Variations, as well as certain Wind Flows, resulting in Development of a Tornado. Seasonal Tornado events can be track though March-June as a Peak, as well as a Secondary Season being September- November, both driven by huge swings in the countries varying temperatures, i.e. spring to summer, and fall to winter, resulting in heavy thunderstorm activity, and conditions which support Development.

Tornadoes is the result of warm moist air meeting cooler, dry air, and creating instability in the atmosphere. When the wind changes direction and increases in speed and height, it creates an invisible horizontal spinning effect in the lower atmosphere. Inside this updrift, rising air tilts the spinning air from horizontal to vertical, forming tornadoes that can be miles wide.

The majority of “Tornado Damages” are covered under the Peril of Windstorm. Generally those risks within Tier 1 and Tier 2 Wind Zones, most insurers will position a Percentage Windstorm or Named Storm Deductible (Note: Check Your Percent, 1% to 2% are Average, but some 5% and upwards to 10%). If you have a Named Storm Deductible, is subject to Hurricanes only, as they do not name Tornado’s.

We should also note that most insurance coverage forms exclude “Wind Driven Rain”, even if caused by a Tornado or other Wind Loss. They only cover Water which enters through a Structural Opening caused initially by Windstorm to the Roof or Exterior of the Building, i.e. any Wind Drive Rain and/or resulting Damage, i.e. Water blown through Doors, Windows, Soffits, Vents, etc. is specifically excluded from Coverage.

Tornados represent Loss Averages in the U.S. of over 5B annually (1990 – 2014).

PLC and our Global Team of Loss Experts stand ready to assist You, Our Client, ensuring Your Maximum and Expedited Claim Recovery!!!

Enhanced Fujita Rating Wind Speed Damage:

EF0 65-85mph, 105-137 km/h Light damage: Peels surface off some roofs; some damage to gutters or siding; branches broken off trees; shallow-rooted trees pushed over.

EF1 86-110mph, 138-178 km/h Moderate damage: Roofs severely stripped; mobile homes overturned or badly damaged; loss of exterior doors; windows and other glass broken.

EF2 111-135mph, 179-218 km/h Considerable damage: Roofs torn off well-constructed houses; foundations of frame homes shifted; mobile homes completely destroyed; large trees snapped or uprooted; light object missiles generated; cars lifted off ground.

EF3 136-165mph, 219-266 km/h Severe damage: Entire stories of well-constructed houses destroyed; severe damage to large buildings such as shopping malls; trains overturned; trees debarked; heavy cars lifted off the ground and thrown; structures with weak foundations blown away some distance.

EF4 166-200mph, 2 67-322 km/h Devastating damage: Well-constructed houses and whole frame houses completely leveled; cars thrown and small missiles generated.

EF5 >200mph, >322 km/h Incredible damage: Strong frame houses leveled off foundation and swept away; auto-mobile sized missiles fly through the air in excess of 100m; steel reinforced concrete structure badly damaged; high-rise buildings have significant structural deformation.

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